Kenya: Samburu Land

Kenya: Samburu Land

Kenya: Samburu Land

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Community Support:

●   Established a large farming project to feed over 1500 villagers who are badly impacted by drought.

●   Built a church and school building to support nearly 200 local children.

●   Provided shoes to the children to prevent bites from deadly bugs.

●   We provided funding for the establishment of Samburu-Solo Sustainable Agriculture Project (SISAP) and their operations.

●   Drilled a water well with a solar pump to provide for their agriculture and local community.

●   Developed a model bee farm to provide honey to locals, which also aims to train local farmers on how to raise bees and harvest honey.

●   Funding further agricultural development and vocational training opportunities.


Contact us

Contact Us

  • (307) 699-3065


  • 1 Central Street, #3 Moran, WY 83013

  • EIN: 82-2079416

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Impact Since 2017

With your support

Individuals Assisted:
